Lets talk about White Dwarf. Specifically issue 113.
The first edition Space Hulk release issue. It was packed with so much depth and background for the hulks, the genestealers and most importantly, the Blood Angels, that I fell completely in love.
I played it for a while and didnt care that the Terminators looked rubbish. In my mind they were heroes.
Then when 2nd edition came out I was working for GW and got to paint 2 squads of bright orange Blood Angels... Moving on.
3rd edition came out, but I was too busy with life, the universe and 42 to care.
And then a friend showed me pictures of the models and I realised that somehow they (GW) had gone into my 11 year old brain, taken everything all of the images that were there and sculpted them in plastic. They are beautiful (even the 3 armed genestealer. You know who you are...).
I've decided to go old school with the colour scheme. None of this fashionable Tyranid nonsense for me. the test model is mid-way through. So you can see the general idea for the colour scheme.
The Blue is finished except for a flat coat to kill the shine. I used the new GW blue shade then a single stage highlight on the model with all of the emphasis on the edge highlights.
The purple needs another stage to bring out the features on the face, then a glaze to tie them together, but i'm happy with where it's going. The only thing that is yet to be decided is tongue colour.
I'll be keeping all of the bases metallic, but dark to keep the emphasis on the models.
I've enjoyed painting him so far. Let's see how enthusiastic I am after finishing the rest of them.