Friday, 28 September 2012

WIP: Project-RTB01 Part 1

It all started in 1987 when our local game store got a stock of the RTB01 box set (original beaky, womblesque skinny-legged space marines. In case you were wondering.)
Because the 10 year-olds could ill afford the entire box set without parental assistance. The store owner made the brilliant move of opening (and painting) a box.
So the very first miniature, of any kind, that I bought was single a crimson fist RTB01 space marine.

Fast forward 25 years where I found 5 of the plucky lads sitting in the back of a box, languishing in 25 year old paint. A quick dose of paint remover (Fairy power spray to you and Mrs S) some undercoat and here we have Project-RTB01. A-nother way for me to relive my youth.

I gave one a quick N dirty going over as a blood angel. As I just wanted one in the cabinet.

Then I thought about that Crimson Fist... I've never had any interest in them since that time. Why would I? But one of them had to go to the blue and the red..

He still needs a base, a chapter symbol and some more work on the red. But he's coming along nicely.

I'll do another Blood Angel, then I have 2 left. I'm tempted to do at least one as a pre-heresy something...

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