Having been out of the hobby for a little while I thought it best to start with a single model that I could really sink my teeth into and be really inspired by, hoping that would keep me interested as I am notoriously bad at finishing projects. So what better than an incredibly ornate Land Raider, fit to carry the finest of the Emperor's finest into battle?
Drawing inspiration from the Land Raider GW created for Marneus Calgar I knew I wanted mine to also look like a shrine and monument. GW chose a Gothic feel, however, I decided on Roman imagery, in particular an idea I had a while ago of creating a great stone battle scene, like in ancient Roman architecture, but using Epic models.
The first stages involved using plasticard to cover over the side doors and create a new panel on which to work. I then used strips of thin plasticard to edge large sections of the tank that I would later paint as gold trim to make it all stand out. Once the whole tank was done I then started the fun bit of adding detail, starting with a few pillars based on Roman styles using more plastics and some sculpting.
After a few days scouring ebay I managed to get hold of some Epic models to make the battle scenes. I wanted two battle scenes on the roof and since the models I'd bought included Eldar and Orks I decided I would be commemorating the battles of Armageddon and Commrath. Along the sides above the pillars I then lined up a few spare marines ready for battle. To add the models to the tank each one needed to be sliced in half and filed down so that it didn't stick out too much...a very fiddly job!
After that I added some Forgeworld brass etchings and Ultramarine icons and the beast was ready to paint!
Come back for part two to see it turn blue!
Nice modeling & excellent idea! As a fan of Warhammer and history I had to give you props. I was looking for Roman/Celt battle scenes for inspiration on a current painting commission. Take care